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Related article: the Colonel, faintly, " and you, Captain Marston, be witness." Then he lay quite motionless. Unlike the gamblers at Bimatoprost 0.03 White's, Major Winsor, with whom the bet was made, had the Colonel conveyed to the hospital. After the patient had been brought back to consciousness by restora- tives, the surgeon told him there was a ball in his body which could only be got at by sawing through two of his ribs, and in- troducing a child's hand, as the forceps would not touch it. "But," added the surgeon, "the chances are that you will die under the operation." Cheap Bimatoprost " If any- body will bet me fifty pounds on the event I'll consent," said the Colonel; "send for Winsor, and I'll get him to make it double or quits." Winsor was sent for, and agreed to the terms. " Now saw away and be d d ! " cried the Colonel. " I won't die." And he did not ; Generic Bimatoprost the operation was suc- cessfully performed, and the Major, much to his satisfaction, as he averred, for the two were fast friends, paid the two hundred. " I tell you," the Colonel used to say, "that but for that bet I should be a dead man now; it was only my determination to win it that kept me alive." Even the great Henry Brougham was not. Purchase Bimatoprost Online above making a catch- bet, in the days, of course, before he reached the Woolsack. He once Bimatoprost Canada made a bet of /"50 that no one would tell the conveyance in which he would be carried to Ascot. All kinds of surmises were made, but no one hit the mark. He went in a Sedan chair. Elated by this Buy Bimatoprost Uk success, he laid another £50 that nobody would guess the way in which he would return to London ; again the most extraordinary vehicles that had ever been invented were men- tioned, and again everybody was wrong. This time the future 1899.] ANECDOTAL SPORT. 3^3 Chancellor quietly and decorously drove back in a postchaise. No one had ever dreamed of mention- ing such a commonplace vehicle, and once more the canny Scotch- Buy Bimatoprost Online man pocketed the stakes. Frank Buckle, the famous jockey, once made an extraordin- arily lucky bet. He took 100 to 1 that he won the Derby and Oaks on horses not supposed to have the slightest chance of being anywhere in either race. He won the Derby on the Duke of Grafton's Tyrant, beating Young Eclipse and a fair field of horses. Young Eclipse made the running, and was opposed by Sir Charles Bun- bury's Orlando, who contested every inch of ground with Order Bimatoprost him for the first mile. From Buckle's fine judgment of pace he was con- vinced they could not keep it up, so following and watching with Tyrant he came up, and was first past the post on one of the worst horses that ever won a Derby. Having made one of his two events safe, Buckle had a fancy that Mr. Wastell's Scotia could win the Oaks, if he were on her back, and though she was beaten three times between Tattenham Corner and home, he got her to the front, and won by a head. In connection with betting, I recall an amusing story Order Bimatoprost Online told of an eccentric Yankee gentleman named Duffie, who was preacher, pedagogue, and politician, and who flogged and drank to excess. One Saturday there was to be a horse race, in which the horse of a brother politician was to run. On the Friday Mr. Duffie ad- dressed his pupils in the following terms: — "Boys, I suppose you lcnow that there is to be a horse race in town to-morrow. Now, boys, don't you go to it ; but, boys, if you do go, don't you bet. Whatever you do, don't you bet ; but, boys, if you do, mind what I tell you — if you do bet, be sure you bet on Abercrombie's mare." There have been one or two glaring cases of foul-riding lately both on Lumigan Bimatoprost the English and Conti- nental Turf which have provoked the exasperating parrot cry that racing is going to the dogs — Purchase Bimatoprost that the morals of the Turf are rotten and so Bimatoprost 0.01 forth. I wonder if it ever occurs to these quack Jeremiahs that they are talking the most utter nonsense when they point to isolated cases of misdemeanour on the part of jockeys and cry out that the great national sport is degenerating. If they don't know that they are talking nonsense it is just as well to show them that they are doing so and making themselves supremely ridiculous thereby. Let me give two or three instances of what foul riding was in " the good old days" of which so much rubbish is talked and written. In the days when the York Summer Meeting was one of the greatest events of the year, Mr. Childers' brown mare Duchess, ridden by Robert Bimatoprost Price Hesselteine, ran a very severe and punishing race for the Gold Cup Bimatoprost Uk with Mr. Peir- son's brown horse Foxhunter, ridden by Stephen Jefferson. Those were days when jostling and cannoning were regarded as a perfectly legitimate means of besting a rival. On this occasion Hesselteine made Duchess run Foxhunter Bimatoprost Synthesis so near the cords that his jockey Buy Bimatoprost was Buy Cheap Bimatoprost obliged to whip over the horse's shoulder. Duch- ess was thus enabled to gain the judge's verdict by a length. But no sooner had Hesselteine pulled up than Jefferson rode alongside of him and struck him across the face with his whip. Hesselteine 3&4 BAILY S MAGAZINE. May returned the compliment and they cut away at one another amidst the cheers of the bystanders till the blood was streaming down their faces. When both were exhausted the owner of Foxhunter claimed the race on the ground that his horse had been deliber- ately run up against the cords by Duchess's jockey. A committee of " Tryers " was empanelled to consider the objection, and after mature deliberation they awarded the race to Foxhunter. Then there was a row between the two owners Bimatoprost Ophthalmic and strong words Bimatoprost Online were exchanged which must in- fallibly have ended in a duel had not the friends of both parties interfered and suggested that the heat should be run again. It Bimatoprost Lumigan was run, and Duchess won by a clear length. But so far was the